2 A's Auto Sales llc, 7250 Lincoln Hwy, Convoy, OH, 45832-9142, automobile dealers-used cars

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2 A's Auto Sales llc

Company Name: 2 A's Auto Sales llc
Status: Active
State: Ohio
Post: 45832-9142
County: Van Wert
City: Convoy
Address: 7250 Lincoln Hwy
Phone: (419)749-9844
Fax: unknown
Email: unknown
Contact Owner: Andy Wreath
Web site: unknown
Gross Annual Sales (Revenue): USD $ 671,000
Overall: 2 A's Auto Sales llc is a business categorized under motor vehicle dealers-new & used, which is part of the larger category automotive dealers & service stations. 2 A's Auto Sales llc is located at the address 7250 Lincoln Hwy in Convoy, Ohio 45832-9142. The Owner is Andy Wreath who can be contacted at (419)749-9844.
  • Used car dealer
  • Mechanic
In summary:
  • Great People, great price on towing, and the cost of great service...
  • Very friendly, fast, affordable pricing, I'll be a returning customer for sure!!
  • Great place to get auto work done
Recommended: Yes: 0 No: 0Click here to Inform about a mistake 30 Rating:

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Name: B.J.C.
Message: Very friendly, fast, affordable pricing, I'll be a returning customer for sure!
Name: K.M.
Message: We ran out of gas and they were super fast getting us going again and very kind people. I would recommend anyone in need to call them 1st!
Name: J.P.
Message: Andy has always done me right on on the spot fixing my Jeep and helping me get right parts ordered. Was a recommendation by a friend and very happy they recommended these guys.
Name: B.A.
Message: Me and my husband were mid road trip when we blew a tire. 2 A's was quick with a tow and a spare. Gave us a great deal. Very friendly service. Bonus star for letting my dogs play with theirs while we waited.
Name: J.
Message: My tire blew while traveling and they were awesome. Service was great and affordable and he even gave my dogs treats.
Name: C.K.
Message: Was going to a class in Cincinnati when my transmission went out. Had to be towed to Ft Wayne In. from Van Wert Oh. Andy not only towed my truck, but dropped me off at a car rental place, made sure I got the best price from the best transmission place, and then picked me up on my way back through. This is only service you find in small towns. Great People, great price on towing, and the cost of great service.. priceless.
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